Meister D: a casual approach to German.

Meister D gives you the opportunity to get started with the German language in a rather casual way.


It presents about one hundred sentences that can mostly be used in daily life.

While not getting involved into grammar considerations, it gives you some basics. And more important you get the voice recording of the contents by native speakers, which lets you progressively familiarize yourself with the sounds of the language.


Finally, when you feel the need for more advanced contents or other sentences that are not provided from start. You can add your own, learned from a teacher or any other source and have it recorded.


The following screenshots are based on version 1.0 of the application.


You can click the icon on the left, to go to the appStore in order to download the app.

You can also take a picture of this QR code using a QR code reader app with your iPhone in order to find Minitalia on the appStore.

For people interested in a more in-depth knowledge of the German language this site is an excellent resource for self studying.
Take a look here for other language learning applications.